Building strong kids, new friendships and great memories!

All of our camp activities are designed to deepen and broaden social thinking with each camper improving their own individual skills while sharing fun, activities and making new friends.

Campers will engage in drama games and activities to practice social pragmatic language and self-regulation skills using authentic scenarios from their own camp experience.

• Outdoor Games
• Taekwondo
• Yoga
• And more!

Campers explore art activities like drawing, mask-making and sculpting to find their creative voice.

Super Hero Day, Olympic Day and more!

- We are flexible and responsive to requests for individualized programming
- We listen and respond to the input of campers and their families as we design camp activities
- Our camp curriculum is adaptable to the needs of each group of campers
- We value the ongoing relationship with our campers’ families
- We conduct an Individual Camper Assessment at the onset, during, and at the conclusion of the program and shared with their families weekly
- Weekly parent meetings are held so they can learn about strategies used in camp, share their experiences and learn about experiences of other parents.